President's Foreword
Dear Sponsors,
Sydney University Medical Society (SUMS) holds a rich history as the oldest medical student society in Australia. Our roots trace back to 1886, when we were established by the founder of Sydney Medical School, Professor Anderson Stuart himself, who served as our first President – and designed our Society crest which is still in use. Today, with your support, we are honoured to be ranked 1st in Medicine within Australia in the QS World Rankings 2023; and to boast a diverse range of proud alumni including Marie Bashir, Jeannette Young, Victor Chang, Kerryn Phelps and AMA, RACP and RACS Presidents. The international acclaim associated with the University of Sydney results in the best and brightest minds seeking entry to medicine here. By supporting our SUMS medical students of today, your brand will go on to become top of mind of the foremost physicians, surgeons, pioneers and influential leaders of tomorrow.
It has been an honour working with each and every one of you, and sharing your joy and passion for your brand. I have been so grateful for the opportunity to advocate your organisation’s vision and branding amongst all our future doctors, through our Society’s events which have been realised with your generous support. With our 1,200-strong postgraduate cohort, I trust these events will afford your organisation an invaluable opportunity to speak one-on-one with, and share your brand amongst our future doctors.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at to request our Sponsorship Prospectus, and discuss how we can tailor a sponsorship package to suit your organisation’s particular needs. I want to thank you again for your generous continued support of our future doctors throughout all these years, and I look forward to building an even greater 2023 with you.
Kind regards,
Clement Chan
Sydney University Medical Society

A Word from the Sponsorship Directors
To all prospective Sponsors,
Reiterating the words of our President, we would like to extend a warm thanks and welcome to the Sydney University Medical Society family. Your prospective sponsorship will not only allow us to get back to the good old-fashioned events that characterised our pre-COVID time at Medical school, but moreover, remind students that they are blessed with a multitude of industry support that will allow them to grow and thrive as future Medical practitioners.
As you will all know in your respective industries, the last few years has seen us adapt to degrees never previously considered, but through it all, we are proud of our continued success in connecting your organisation and brand to our students. We thank all of our existing sponsors for their continued support, and we warmly welcome those of you who are supporting us for the first time. We promise we won’t let you down, and will always be happy to work out a solution and tailored package that works best for your organisation’s unique needs.
Throughout this year, it will be our duty and pleasure to look after your interests and cater to your specific needs as sponsorship opportunities arise, so please get in touch with us at We would like to wish you all a happy and prosperous 2023, and we very much look forward to working alongside you all. Thank you once again for your generosity!
Warmest regards,
Sam Prince and Hareem Sohail
Sponsorship Directors
Sydney University Medical Society